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All the main extermination camps were in Nazi-occupied Poland. There were also two in Belarus. Please see the related question.

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Most of them were in Poland and Nazi Germany.

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Q: Where we're most of the Nazi extermination camps located?
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Where were most of the extermination camps located?

All the main extermination camps were in Nazi-occupied Poland. There were also two in Belarus. Please see the related question.

Which country was the site of the most of the Nazi extermination camps?

Chelmno (Kulmhof) The Birkenau section of Auschwitz Treblinka Majdanek Sobibor Belzec

What is the setting of the Holocaust?

The Holocaust took place primarily in Europe during World War II, from 1941 to 1945. It occurred in Nazi-occupied territories, including concentration camps, extermination camps, and ghettos. The most infamous extermination camp, Auschwitz, was located in German-occupied Poland.

How many Nazi concentration camps sprang up throughout Eastern Europe?

There were around 20,000 concentration camps and subcamps established by the Nazis throughout Eastern Europe during World War II. These camps were used for various purposes, including forced labor, mass executions, and extermination. Auschwitz-Birkenau, located in Poland, is one of the most notorious Nazi concentration camps.

What were the grades of the Nazi Concentration Camps?

The Nazi concentration camps were not graded on an academic scale. They were classified and organized based on their purpose and function. Different camps served different purposes, such as forced labor, extermination, or imprisonment. Some of the most infamous camps were Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Dachau.

What year did nazi death become fully operational?

Depending on what Nazi Death Camp, Most camps were fully operational in 1941-1942 due to the Wansee Conference and the Final Solution. (Extermination of the Jews)

Who was in charge of Treblinka death camp?

All Nazi concentration camps and death camps were run by the SS (except in 1933-34).

How were children treated in the Nazi death camps?

Horrible, some starved but most died of diesease. The Nazis dropped of trailors full of dead children. ___ In death camps (that is, extermination camps) children were gassed as soon as practical after arrival at the camps - usually within a matter of hours.

Where were many extermination camps located during World War 2?

Most extremination camps were placed in Poland as it was a homeland for many Jews in Europe. Ex. Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Where did the prisoners from the holocaust die?

They died in the Nazi Concentration camps, death marches between camps or general didn't survive when escaped. Most deaths occurred at the Nazi Concentration camps. There are differnet kinds of camps:Concentration, Death, Extermination, Transition and Labor camps. Each kind of camps has got it's own purpose such as holding people or killing them in mass numbers.

Why was Auschwitz the only camp that carried out selections?

There were only two Nazi camps that combined the functions of a concentration camp and an extermination camp. From about March 1942 onwards, Auschwitz was one of them. (The other was Majdanek). All other camps were either the one kind or the other. _______________________ Most camps carried out 'selections' where they selected those deemed unfit for work, the selcted then being sent to an extermination camp.

How many people were in Nazi extermination camps at any one time?

The Holocaust was organized in such a way that there were usually relatively few prisoners in death camps (in the strict sense, that is, extermination camps). At some camps - especially, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor and Chelmno - the idea was to gas most new prisoners soon after arrival and dispose of their corpses quickly. The 'transports' were timetabled in such a way as to avoid flooding the camps was with new arrivals. In practice, things weren't always as smooth as that.