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Q: Where were Jews told they were being resettled?
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What were Jews deceived into believing regarding labor camp?

The Jews were told they were being 'resettled'.

How were Jews deceived by the Germans in the moves out of Warsaw?

They were told that they were being resettled, but in fact they were being transported to extermination camps.

What did to the East mean?

It was a euphemism in common use that meant going to an extermination camp. The Jews were told they were being resettled "to the East" in part, this lie kept them calm and gave them hope that their plight would be better in the near future.

What did the Jews think might be the reason for their deportation?

There were told that they were being 'resettled' in Eastern Europe. According to those people in the extermination camps who sorted the possessions that Jews took with them there were a large number of cooking utensils, and also musical instruments. This suggests that some of the Jews deported to the camps at least thought they might be starting a new life in Eastern Europe.The Jews thought that they were being sent to work camps, and not to death camps.

Why did the Jews have to leave there things behind when going to the camps?

Early on when the Germans were "Re-Locating" the Jews they were allowed to take what they could carry. It made them think there was a life at the far end of the train ride. Think Carry on for an Airliner. It didn't take long for the Jews to figure out this was a one way trip and Germans Jusdst made them get on the trains with nothing, It made cleaning up at the far end easier and less likely they would be able cause trouble on the Journey

How did Germans accept the extermination of Jews?

Germans were not told that the Jews were being exterminated at the time, they believed that the Jews were being re-settled in the east.

What was the reaction to the final solution from the Germans?

Most Germans did not know in detail till after the war what had really happened to the Jews. They were told that the German Jews were being "resettled in Eastern Europe". Alarming rumours circulated, but most Germans chose to "hear no evil, see no evil". After all, many Germans had supported Hitler ... They weren't too keen to have to face up to the fact that they had made a grievous error of judgement.

What are the Jews told at Kaschau from the book Night?

In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, the Jews at Kaschau are told to lie about their ages and occupations to avoid being selected for labor or execution. They are also told to appear healthy and strong to increase their chances of survival.

When the Jews left the ghetto what were they allowed to bring?

They were told that they were being 'resettled', so they took things like cooking utensils, sheets, blankets, etc. Some also took musical instruments with them in the hope of keeping themselves entertained in the evenings. Some took valuables if they still had any. There are stories about some taking poison with them in order to commit suicide, but I'm not sure how accurate that is.

Why did German people not want any contact with Jewish people?

Because Adolf Hitler told them that the Jews were enemies and there were dangers involved in being labeled 'a friend of the Jews'.

Who told the presbyters that God told me to bring the gospel To non-Jews or gentiles?

the president lincoln told that he said it

Who were the disciples told to minister to at the beginning of their ministry?

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