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The Pennsylvania State House, now called Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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Q: Where were the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution signed?
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Did Abraham Lincoln sign the US Constitution or the Declaration of Independence?

Abraham Lincoln did not sign The Declaration of Independence. It was signed in 1776 and the US Constitution was signed in 1787, before Lincoln was born (1809).

How many people signed the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence?


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Was the declaration of independence was signed after the us constitution was written?

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What 3 documents did Benjamin Franklin sign?

Benjamin (BEN) Franklin signed 4 important documents for the US. First, he signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. He then signed the Treaty of Alliance with France in 1778. He then signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783. And lastly, he signed the US Constitution in 1787. Thankyou for reading, I hope this helped.

Who was US Senate in attendance at signing of the Declaration of Independence?

When the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 the US Senate didn't exist since it was created in the constitution. So, the answer to your question is no one.

Information about Independence Hall Philadelphia?

both of these. the constitution of the us and the declaration of independence

Did the Declaration of Independence come before the signing of the constitution?

Yes, the American Revolution was over before the Constitution was written. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776 at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The US Constitution was signed by 39 of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention, on September 17, 1787, at the same location, which was then known as the "Pennsylvania State House".

What wine was used to toast the signing the us declaration of independence?

The U.S. Constitution was not signed, nor meant to be signed. Therefore, there was no wine served.

Did benjiman Franklin sign the US Constitution?

Yes he did sign the US constitution. He also signed the Declaration of Independence and also help write it along with Thomas Jefferson.

What comes after 'We the people' in the 1776 US Declaration of Independence?

That phrase "We the people..." is not in the Declaration of Independence. It is in the US Constitution.

What statement accurately describes a difference between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution?

The US Constitution established rules for the US government, well the Declaration of Independence did not