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The astronauts were sent to a place to be in qurantene for about 21 days.

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Q: Where were the astronauts deported to after the completion of their mission Apollo for NASA?
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How many astronauts were in Apollo?

The question is not clear, there were three astronauts at a time in a Apollo mission , and there were 11 Apollo missions.

Who were the astronauts on the mission Apollo?

The three astronauts on the Apollo 11 were Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins.

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Which astronaut was not at the Apollo mission 11?

There were only three astronauts on Apollo 11 , all the other astronauts did not go .

What happened after the Apollo 11 crew completed their mission?

After the Apollo 11 astronauts returned to the earth after their moon mission, the astronauts had a medical examination and were then put in quarantine for a few days.

How many astronauts walked on the moon on each Apollo landing mission?

Two astronauts walked on the moon on each moon mission.

How many astrounot wakl in the moon during Apollo mission?

During the Apollo mission a total of 12 astronauts walked on the moon. On each trip to the moon 2 astronauts walked on the moon.

How long Apollo 11 astronauts spend walking on the moon?

In the Apollo 11 mission the astronauts had a moonwalk lasting 2 hours and 31 minutes.

What are the names of the three astronauts on the Apollo thirteen mission?

The names of the three astronauts of Apollo 13 , were James Lovell, Jack .L.Swigert, and Fred . W.Haise.

What was the first American spacecraft to carry three astronauts?

The Apollo Mission

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Who did the last Apollo mission?

The last manned moon mission was the Apollo 17 , with astronauts Eugene Cernan, harrison Schmitt to walk on the moon.