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Q: Where were the farmers houses located?
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Where do most farmers in Asia live in?

In big boys houses

Where were yeoman farmers most likely located?

In England, mostly between the 15th and 18th century.

What is the difference between linear dispersed and nucleated settlements in geography?

Dispersed: Houses that are scattered Linear: Houses that are surrounding 2 sides of important roads Nucleated: Usually crowded and is where route centres are located

What continents is igloo homes located?

there are no more igloo homes, they have all been replaced with modern homes, before they switched over they used sod houses (mud houses) during the summer and igloos during the winter

Why was life difficult for farmers on the plains?

Life on the great plains was difficult for farmers because of the climate and basically EVERYTHING. They had no shelter-- only sod houses which were houses made of dirt and grass roots. The roof of these houses always leaked and it was very uncomfortable to live in theses kinds of houses. The climate was horrible too. The winters were freezing and the summers were awfully hot. Sometimes fire started and demaged the crops. Most of the time these kinds of fires could not be stopped. The hot weather made the crops die and farmers had no income. They couldnt sell anything so that made them go into debts. The grasshoppers were also a bif problem on the plains. The grasshoppes ate everything-- clothes, food, crops and even the door frame. The women also suffered. They had to make evrything by hand since there was barely any stores. They had to make soap, candles, and clothes. The had to take care of the kids, clean, and cook. It was a tough job. The food was very expensive and not everyone could afford it.