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Q: Where were the peace talks held to end Vietnam war?
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He peace talks to end the Vietnam conflict were held in?


What terms were finally agreed to at the Paris Peace talks?

The Paris Peace talks were to bring about peace and end the war in Vietnam. The US met with North and South Vietnam on November 23, 1972 for the peace talks.

Paris peace settlement led to World War 2?

There was no Paris Peace Settlement at the end of World War 2. There was the Treaty of Versailles at the end of World War 2. At the end of the Vietnam War for the US and France there was a peace settlement in France but that was called "The Paris Peace Talks".

When did peace talks begin and when did they end?

germany and britsh

What was the legacy of the Vietnam war?

The American losses in Vietnam spanned from its first casualties in 1959 to end game 1975. Regardless of the War's conclusion at the Paris Peace Talks shadows of the conflict continue with tons of unexploded ammunition (UXO) spread across Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

What are talks that are hoped to end in an agreement?

Negotiations are talks intended to end in an agreement. Examples are union contract negotiations (TV writer's strike) or diplomatic negotions (middle east peace talks).

Americas senior negotiator at the peace talks ending the revolutionary war was who?

Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay negotiated peace that ended the revolutionary war

Paris Peace Accords?

This intended to establish peace in Vietnam and an end to the Vietnam War. It ended direct U.S. military combat, and temporarily stopped the fighting between North and South Vietnam.

What did each country want from the peace talks during World War I?

to end the war :)

Who signed the peace agreement in Paris to end the Vietnam war?

president Nixon

What is the country that held Vietnam as a colony at the end of World War 2?

France .

What peace conference was held to bring World War 1 to an end?

it was held in Paris and Versailles