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Q: Where were traditions practiced when indigenous ways were threatened with respression?
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When indigenous ways were threatened with repression many of the traditions were practiced?

in temples

What traditions where practiced by the Jews of rome?

The Jews of Rome practiced their own religion, laws and traditions like they had always done.

Are indigenous religion practiced today?


What is a indigenous magic spell?

A spell practiced by a group of local people. Voodo would be a good example of indigenous magic.

How has modern civilization impacted the spiritual lives of indigenous peoples and are indigenous religions still practiced today?

Modern civilization has had little impact on the spiritual lives of indigenous peoples. They continue to practice indigenous religions. There are thousand of people groups who have not been evangelized.

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What is meant by habits and traditions?

The ceremonies and rituals practiced by a person or a society passed down to them by their ancestors.

What is indigenous belief?

Indigenous beliefs encompass a diverse set of spiritual and cultural practices that are rooted in the traditions and teachings of a specific community or group of people who are native to a particular land. These beliefs often involve a deep respect for nature, ancestors, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Indigenous belief systems vary widely around the world and are passed down through oral traditions and ceremonies.

On which continents are traditional religions still practiced?

On all continents except Antarctica, where there are no indigenous inhabitants or traditional religions.

What is kino and juana religion?

Kino was a Jesuit missionary and priest who practiced Catholicism. Juana, on the other hand, was a native Mexican woman who likely practiced a form of indigenous spirituality or a blend of indigenous beliefs with Catholicism due to the influence of Spanish colonization in Mexico during that time.

What religious traditions were practiced on the Arabian Peninsula before 570 AD?

Christianity and Judaism

what are the religious traditions in Buddhism?

There are several traditions in Buddhism that are practiced even bu those whom do not claim the religion. These can vary with each form, but include meditation, yoga, and zen.