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The trials were held in Nuremberg , Germany.

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Q: Where were trials of Nazi leaders charged with war crimes take place?
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Where did the trials of Nazi leaders charged with war crimes take place?


What event took place in November 1945 in which twenty-four Nazis were accused of committing war crimes against humanity?

This refers to the Nuremberg trials. After World War 2, the trails were held to prosecute prominent leaders of Nazi Germany who had committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the war.

What happened at the nuremburg trials?

At the Nuremberg Trials 24 of the highest Nazi leaders were tried for their war crimes of genocide and many other war crimes. The trial took a year and there were 100 other Nazis tried for war crimes too. Of the 24 big time leaders they were all convicted and most were executed. Many of the 100 received prison sentences. See the related link below.

What was the purpose of the Nuremberg trials which took place in Nuremberg and Germany from 1945 to 1949?

SI: Nazi leaders were brought to trial for war crimes committed during World War II.

What was addressed by the Nuremburg trials?

Nuremberg trials addressed Hitlers "Co-leaders", guards, policemen, etc. who contributed to German death camps and murder during world war 2. These people associated with Hitler during holocaust were put on trial for crimes against humanity and crimes against war for what they did wrong. Which took place in Nuremberg, Germany.

Where do war crimes trials take place?

Since July of 1998 the United Nations has assumed the responsibility for the trial of crimes like genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of aggression through the International Criminal Court with headquarter at The Hague, The Netherlands.

Where did the war crimes trials take place in Europe?

Answer 1- notthing really the cold war started duhhh who doesnt know thht its so obivous Answer 2 - The War Trials took place in Nuremburg from 1945 until 1948.

What were crimes against humanity?

Crimes against humanity are acts committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, such as murder, extermination, torture, rape, forced displacement, and other inhumane acts. These crimes are considered among the most serious violations of human rights and are prosecutable under international law.

What were the Nuremberg Trails and when did they take place?

The Nuremberg Trials are a set of trials held between 1945 and 1946, where the Allied Powers tried the "major war criminals" of the defeated Nazi's for crimes against humanity.

What are some famous trials that took place during the Holocaust and after the war in germany?

In and after World War II, numerous trials took place in military and in civil courts on both sides of the conflict. As few trials of a legitimate sort took place in relation to the Holocaust while the war was ongoing, it is the Nuremberg Trials after the war that are rightly considered to be most famous -- and important. Taking in place in 1945 and 1946, these trials brought numerous Nazis and other Germans to court for their participation in war crimes and other wrongdoings, such as the Holocaust genocide.

Euthanasia program of Germany?

During WWII, the Nazi plan was to euthanize the Jewish population, involuntarily - which really is better defined as mass murder. These, of course were judged to be illegal war crimes and prosecutions of many Nazi leaders felt to be responsible took place during the Nuremberg trials after the war ended.

Where were the American war crimes trials held?

The International Military Tribunal and the later trials held only by the Americans, were all held in Nuremberg, Germany. A number of war criminals were separately tried by the British, French and Russians on their own soil, or at least at different venues than Nuremberg, such as the trial of Concentration camp commandant Amon Goeth, which was held in Poland, as was his execution, and the Belsen trials, held by the British in Luneberg, the city closest to the Bergen Belsen camp