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Since July of 1998 the United Nations has assumed the responsibility for the trial of crimes like genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of aggression through the International Criminal Court with headquarter at The Hague, The Netherlands.

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Q: Where do war crimes trials take place?
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Where were trials of Nazi leaders charged with war crimes take place?

The trials were held in Nuremberg , Germany.

Where did the trials of Nazi leaders charged with war crimes take place?


Where did the war crimes trials take place in Europe?

Answer 1- notthing really the cold war started duhhh who doesnt know thht its so obivous Answer 2 - The War Trials took place in Nuremburg from 1945 until 1948.

Where did the Nuremberg Trials take place?

The Nuremberg Trials took place in Nuremberg, Germany. They were a series of military tribunals held after World War II to prosecute major Nazi leaders for war crimes.

Did Hitler use Nuremberg trials to persecute Jewish people?

No. The nuremberg trials were held after the war, when several of the officers were take to court for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

What was the German city were Nazis were put on trial for war crimes?

Nuremburg there were trials in many cities. Whereas in Nuremberg the trials were about war crimes and crimes against peace, the Franfurt trials were about the Holocaust and crimes against humanity.

What were the german war crimes trials about?

The Nuremberg Trials centered around "Crimes Against Humanity" .

What were the Nuremberg Trails and when did they take place?

The Nuremberg Trials are a set of trials held between 1945 and 1946, where the Allied Powers tried the "major war criminals" of the defeated Nazi's for crimes against humanity.

What were the defendants in the Tokyo and Nuremberg Trials charged with?

The defendants in the Tokyo Trials were charged with crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, while the defendants in the Nuremberg Trials were charged with crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes against peace. Both trials aimed to hold individuals accountable for their roles in the atrocities committed during World War II.

What as addressed by the Nuremberg Trials?

War crimes and crimes against humanity .

The Nuremberg trials dealt with what event?

war crimes

What were the Nuremberg war crimes trials and what did it establish?

German leaders stood trial for war crimes and it established resposibility for war