

Where would Jews go on death marches during the holocaust?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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west generally.

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Q: Where would Jews go on death marches during the holocaust?
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Were there any revoltsby the Jews during the death marches of the holocaust?

Not really, there was no need. People would simply run away.

What were the 3 purposes the death marches?

The death marches in the Holocaust (as opposed to those in the Far East) were to: move inmates from one prison/camp to another. to maintain the healthiest prisoners to that they could continue to provide slave labour. to avoid the prisoners from being liberated and thus become witnesses. Usually on the death marches there would not be any food or water and anyone who could not maintain the pace would likely be executed. There were even some death marches that had no destination, they kept walking until either the guards deserted or the prisoners escaped.

What percentage of the people on the death marches in the holocaust died?

hard to tell with any accuracy, obviously the longer marches would have a lower survival rate, but also some people managed to escape and the guards left some, with the whole column disbanding.

What area would the Jewish sleep during the Holocaust?

concentration camps or death camps

How did the soldiers kill people during the death marches?

If the marches did not kill them, then the soldiers would line them up on their knees in front of a ditch, and shoot them. Later, just a ditch full of bodies were left.

What happend to the survivors of the death marches?

No one survived from the death marches. Everyone involved in the actual marching was sent to another concentration camp where they would have died or maybe would have survived butthat wouldn't be a death march then. The others went to be executed.

What were the responsibilities of a commandant of a death camp during the holocaust?

he had to report upwards. Within the camp there were commanders of smaller sections that would report to him.

What was the purpose of the death marches?

there were two main reasons: the marches occurred because the camps from which they started were under threat of liberation, so the inmates were marched to another camp the marches were a way of killing the participants, some marches did not even reach their destination, they would just keep marching until all of the charges died or the guards deserted

Did the deaths go up in the death marches?

Yes they did. Why? Because by the time death marches came around majority of the Jews were too weak to keep moving on. They would get trampled by others who couldn't stop running or they would would be shot by the SS if they noticed them getting weak.

How far did the people march in death march?

on April 10, 1942, the march began at Mariveles, Philippines. The prisoners had to march for a week.They were forced to sit in the sun without any shade, helmets, or water. Since it was so hot in April, if anyone dared to ask for water they would get executed. On rare occasion they were given any food, it was only a handful of contaminated rice. ____________ In the Holocaust death marches the intention was to lose as many people along the way, so marches would be extended, some would have been over a thousand kilometres.

Did people in the death camps during the holocaust go crazy?

I would think so. Probably some of them did from being there so long.

How do you use marches in a sentence?

You can use marches as a noun or as verb. An example of marches as a verb would be "He marches like a chicken" An example of marches as a noun would be "All marches begin with a single step"