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Q: Where would gullies form a field with plowed soil and no plants or a field with thick grass?
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Where would gullies form a field with plowed soil and no plants or a field covered with thick grass explain?

a feild with plowed soil and no plants

Where should gullies be more likely to form a field with plowed soil and no plants or a field covered with thick grass?

In the latter.

Where would gullies be more likely to form field with plowed soil and no plants or covered with thick grass Explain.?

Gullies are more likely to form in a plowed field with no plants because the loose soil is more easily eroded by water runoff. In a field covered with thick grass, the roots help to stabilize the soil and prevent erosion, making it less likely for gullies to form.

Where would gullies be more likely to form a field with plowed soil and no plants or a field covered with thick grass Explain.?

Gullies are more likely to form in a field with plowed soil and no plants because the bare soil is more prone to erosion by water runoff. Thick grass in a field helps to reduce water runoff, prevent soil erosion, and stabilize the ground, making it less likely for gullies to form.

How do you erase plowed field in country story in Facebook? clicking on the decorate icon. Go to the "specials tab" and click on the plow with the grass. It costs 50 coins to remove one plowed surface. I hope that helps :o)

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Does grass kill plants?

There is certain types of grass that kill plants, but normal yard grass will not, it also depends on the plants. But usually its the weeds that kill the plants, not the grass.

What kind of grass does a mouse eat?

Field mice eat plants, trees, and pretty much anything else.

What plants live in the field?

Plants that commonly live in fields include grasses, wildflowers, clover, dandelions, and thistles. These plants thrive in open, sunny areas and play a key role in supporting various animals and insects in field ecosystems.

Does the target field have real grass or artificial grass?

Does target field have real grass

Passive voice for grass grows over the field?

The field is grown over with grass

What caused the Dust Bowl in the 1930s?

The settlers that moved to the prairie plowed all of the Big Bluestem Grass. The grass keeps the soil on the ground