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The smallest particles on a beach are found closest to the shoreline and many of those small grains of sand are carried into the sea with the waves. The coarser grains of sand are what actually builds up the beach.

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Q: Where would the smallest particles on a beach be found?
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You probably mean the smallest part of an atom. That would be an electron, because electrons are the particles making up atoms that are smallest in size.

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The smallest basic particle of an element is an atom. Atoms and molecules formed of them are the smallest particles that have the physical and chemical properties of the element. Atoms, however, are made of smaller particles: electrons, protons, and neutrons, of which the electron is the smallest. There are various supplementary particles that connect or interact with them (e.g. mesons). These atomic particles are formed by the combination of constituent particles called quarks, which do not normally exist in uncombined forms (where, oddly, they would have much greater mass than the particles they constitute).

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For an element, it would be an atom. For a molecular substance, it would be a molecule. If it is an ionic compound, it would be a formula unit.

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People would say yes. But actually, no. Neutrino is nearly 20 times smaller.

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Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons.

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