

Where would tornadoes mostly likely occur?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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8y ago

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The greatest number of tornadoes worldwide occur in the United States. Tornadoes occur frequently in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Tennessee, and Mississippi. They are a bit less frequent in the northern plains states and Ohio Valley. Every state in the USA has had tornadoes at some time.

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Q: Where would tornadoes mostly likely occur?
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Would a tornado likely occur in Maryland?

Tornadoes are not common in Maryland but they do occur there. It is inevitable that there will be more.

What time of year and in what areas would a spotter be most likely to see a tornado?

Tornadoes can occur any time of the year, but are most likely in the months of April through June. Spotters would most likely be able to see a tornado in an open area, with an unobstructed view. Most tornadoes occur between the hours of 4 and 9 PM, but can occur at any time of the day.

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Since tornadoes are a form of weather they would be studied mostly by meteorologists. Some of these may be storm chasers, who conduct research in the field with tornadoes as they occur, though most storm chasers are not scientists.

What type of front would likely bring hail and possible tornadoes into an area?

Hail and tornadoes are most often associated with cold fronts, but can occur with dry lines or, lest often, warm fronts.

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Severe thunderstorms most often occur ahead of cold fronts.

What state do fire tornadoes occur in more?

"Fire tornadoes," more properly called firewhirls, are most common in states prone to intense wildfires. Statistical data is not available, but California would likely be a good candidate.

What happens after a tornado strikes in snow?

It would be highly unusual for a tornado to strike an area where there is snow on the ground. Tornadoes generally occur during periods of warm weather. If such an event were to occur it would be little different from a tornado striking under ordinary circumstances. The tornado would likely lift some snow into the air, but that would be of little to no consequence compared with the damage tornadoes usually inflict.

Where do tornadoes occur most frequently?

Tornadoes occur the most in Tornado Alley, a region in the United states that includes Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Missouri, South Dakota and Iowa. While tornadoes can occur elsewhere, nowhere else in the world do they occur more frequently.

What would happen if a tornado hit the equator?

Tornadoes are likely to be rare near the equator due to the lack of organized weather systems. Those that would occur would probably be weak and cloud likely be found spinning clockwise or counterclockwise in equal numbers. Unlike large-scale systems such as hurricanes, tornadoes to not get their rotation from the Coriolis effect, but rather from local or regional wind shear.

Where do fire tornadoes occur in the us?

Fire tornadoes, more properly called firewhirls, can occur in any area prone to major fires.This would include most of the Southwestern United States.

What type of front would bring hail and tornadoes in a area?

Hail and tornadoes would most likely be associated with a cold front or dry line.

Which country is the most likely place on earth for a tornado to occur?

That would be the United States. It gets more tornadoes than any other country, averaging about 1,200 per year. The United Kingdom is the country in which you are most likely to see a tornado, as it has more tornadoes per square mile than anywhere else in the world.