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you can buy it at most hardware stores, its called foam backer rod i belleive, it should be about half an inch wide, and comes in big rolls, you can also buy it online from many places.

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Q: Where would you buy the right kind of foam for homemade Nerf stefans?
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How do I replace Nerf parts?

There are two options. You can either buy ammo packs(the darts break down to about $0.25 apiece), or you can star using homemade darts called Stefans. has a great demo on making stefans. However, the people there aren't the nicest bunch.

Can Nerf stefans go in the cs 6?

From what i have heard from my friend and cousin:yes but may get jammed sometimes.

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Well there's nothing wrong.Anyone can play Nerf right?

How much fps is the most powerful Nerf gun?

unmodified Nerf guns might shoot about 30 or 35 fps, but some modified guns and homemade guns could probably get up to about 60 or 70 fps.

What Nerf gun is never coming out?

That would be the Nerf Hydra sg-7.

Are there any Nerf wars in Dublin?

Yes, because people have Nerf wars all around the world. People have Nerf wars everywhere Nerf is sold, so there would definitely be Nerf wars in Dublin.

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the kind that works. as long as its hot glue and you have a weight for the dart it will work fine.

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i would recommend the deploy but if you like submachine guns i would go with the barricade

How do you mod a Nerf recon?

same way you would mod any other Nerf gun

What Nerf gun should you get for Christmas?

If you don't have a Nerf gun yet I would suggest getting the new Nerf elite strongarm aka the new version of the maverick. I would choose this because it is easy to use it is powerful and accurate it is also not massively big. If you already have a few Nerf guns and ammo I would suggest getting something rapid fire like the Nerf elite styfe or the Nerf elite hail-fire.

When is the Nerf bull sharc coming out?

It isn't going to come out. It was featured in the video-game only, and right now Nerf has no intentions of making it.