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These are the very back molars in your mouth. Typically they come through around age 18.

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Q: Where would you find wisdom teeth?
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My teeth are crooked and crowded because my wisdom teeth are impacted. Will my teeth go back after getting my wisdom teeth removed?

I spoke to my oral surgeon about the crowding in my lower jaw that I believed to be caused by my wisdom teeth. He said that even with the extra space I would receive from the removal of my wisdom teeth, it would be unlikely that my teeth would move back into place. There was mention of being fitted for retainers and going to a different doctor who specialized in orthodontics.

What is the probable function of your wisdom teeth?

Long ago it was thought that the probable function of your wisdom teeth was to enable the chewing of rough food. However, it would appear that evolution has rendered the wisdom teeth to be pointless and no longer serves a purpose.

Do adults have a total of 32 teeth?

Yes and no. Adults generally have 28 permanent teeth excluding the wisdom teeth. Most adults will not develop all 4 wisdom teeth, which would bring the count to 32, had they. However, the amount of teeth can change during adulthood depending on tooth extractions, wisdom teeth, or malformed teeth.

Brown staining on teeth following wisdom teeth extraction?

More than likely, that is just dried blood. Nothing else would cause staining in removal of wisdom teeth.

I have a wisdom teeth extraction on Monday morning and I would donate blood Thursday night Can I still donate blood or would the wisdom teeth surgery and painkillers make me ineligible?

no you will be fine

If wisdom teeth cause your teeth to get crooked Do your teeth get straight after you get your wisdom teeth extractions?

Not necessarily. Teeth tend to become more crowed as we age, especially the lower front teeth. This happens in some people regardless of whether they have wisdom teeth or not. Therefore, removing the wisdom teeth, solely for the purpose of hoping to get naturally straighter teeth, won't work.

32 equals T including W T?

32 = Teeth, including wisdom teethNot that I can think why you would exclude wisdom teeth in the first place...

What surgery did Jill and Jana duggar have?

Jana and Jill had their wisdom teeth removed.

Is it OK to get braces if your wisdom teeth may come in soon?

I don't know if it's OK. I have braces myself and my wisdom teeth are coming in right now. Unfortunatly, I have to get them pulled, if anything that's what would happen. You should wait until the wisdom teeth come in, and then get them pulled, because the metal bands may not fit around the wisdom teeth, and most people have more comfort when their wisdom teeth are pulled. I have braces and my wisdom teeth came through and my otho hasn't done anything to them.

Laugh Your Way to Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Not everyone has their wisdom teeth removed. If you do have to have your wisdom teeth removed, find a doctor that knows what they are doing and try to get them all removed at the same time. Most doctors will use laughing gas for sedation. Some doctors will put you fully to sleep to remove the wisdom teeth. Recovery is about three to four days with a soft diet.

How many permanent teeth do you have including wisdom teeth?

An adult has 32 teeth. As a member of the family hominidae, and genus homo (human) we have the tooth formula, giving us 32 teeth including the m3's (wisdom teeth). Also considering that, as a genetic characteristic, some humans will never have wisdom teeth, it would be wrong to call this the normal number of teeth because neither formula is normal or abnormal.

Are there people who don't get wisdom teeth?

Yes, wisdom teeth or 3rd molars are the most commonly missing or deformed teeth.