

Where would you find woodlice?

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12y ago

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you would normally found woodlice in a toilet

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12y ago
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Q: Where would you find woodlice?
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What time are you most likely to find woodlice?

You are most likely do find a woodlice at night or in the afternoon. By Amna Safi

Where you find woodlice?

Under rotten logs

How many woodlice are left in the world?


What environmental conditions can affect woodlice?

Heat or cold beyond the comfort range for these cold-"blooded" animals. Drought. Lack of food. They like slightly damp, shady conditions, the sort of environment in which one would expect to find wood decays readily to be delicious to woodlice.

What eats a woodlice?

I'm not sure. A bird maybe? I think I heard someone say that spiders eat woodlice. I'm pretty sure that if a snake came across a woodlice it would gobble it up. You'd be better off asking someone else because I don't know anything about woodlice and who eats them.

How would the population of the woodlouse be affected if the entire centipede population is taken out of the leaf litter?

As the centipede is woodlice's predator, taking away the centipedes will remove any opposition to the growth of woodlice population, causing the woodlice population to increase rapidly.

Can your dog eat woodlice?

Yes, you can eat woodlice. Disgusting, huh?

Why do woodlice have antennae?

woodlice have antenas because

How old are woodlice when they die?

if you will kill the woodlice it will die......................

Do woodlice have teeth?

yes, woodlice do have gills

How temperature of a habitat affects the woodlice?

Woodlice, also known as woodlouse, has over a thousand different species. Due to this the temperature of a habitat it would take to affect it varies.

What do woodlice need?

well woodlice are adapted for survival because they can run fast on dry soil because they don't like it and they would survive in that case because if there was a preditor they would be able to run faster away from it