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In proportion to each body parts sensitivity to somatic sensations.

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Q: Which 2 parts of body represented by largest areas of sensory cortex?
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What is the function of the sensory system?

The somatosensory cortex processes the tactile information that comes in from all over your body. It is organized in a topographical way - each body part is represented in a specific areas. Some body parts are represented far larger than their relative size. These are areas that are very sensitive, like your hands. Other areas are represented quite limited, because they have less tactile nerves/are less sensitive.

What is the major relay station for sensory information ascending to primary sensory areas of the cerebral cortex?

The thalamus encloses the shallow third ventricle of the brain, and is the relay station for sensory impulses passing upwards to the sensory cortex.

What three function types within the cerebral cortex?

Brodmann areas. The three types of functional areas are association, motor and sensory areas.

What does the map of the sensory cortex reveal about the density of touch receptor?

The map of the sensory cortex reveal about the density of touch receptor a larger area of the cortex is devoted to analysis of cutaneous sensations arising from hands, lips and tongue than other areas. The motor cortex is located on the post central gyrus.

Which of the areas of the cerebral cortex receives sensation?

The primary sensory area which is located on the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe.

What separates the sensory strip from the motor strip?

The primary somatosensory cortex, or sensory strip, is responsible for processing sensory information from the body. In contrast, the primary motor cortex, or motor strip, is involved in planning and executing voluntary movements. These areas are adjacent to each other in the brain's cerebral cortex, but each has distinct functions related to sensation and movement.

What part of the brain acts like a switchboard or traffic officer sending sensory information to the appropriate areas cortex?


Why are the brains associated areas important?

The associated areas of the brain support abstract thinking and language. The temporal, parietal and occipital lobes organize the sensory input and integrate with past experiences to send the motor areas for responses.

What does the thalamus do in the sheep brain?

The thalamus is at the top of the sheep's brainstem. The thalamus sends messages to the cortex sensory areas and sends replies out to the medulla and cerebellum.

What are brodman areas?

The brodmann area is a part of the cerebral cortex of the human brain. These areas are responsible for motor cortex, visual cortex, and auditory cortex.

What part of the brain are most sensory areas located?

The hands, lips, tongue and genitals have the largest sensory representations. The hands, lips and mouth area also have the largest motor area representation. For more information on this, use the keywords "sensory and motor homunculi"

What is cortical magnification factor?

The apportioning of proportionally more space on the cortex to the representation of specific areas of sensory receptors. For example, a small area on the retina in or near the fovea receives more space on the cortex than the same area of peripheral retina. Smilarly, the fingertips receive more space on the somatosensory cortex than the forearm or leg.