

Which 2 tribes controlled what is now Germany?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Which 2 tribes controlled what is now Germany?
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no, Ireland was neutral.

How many zones was germany divided into after World War 2?

4 zones.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(e2020 answer)It was divided up into 2 parts: East Germany and West Germany. West Germany was controlled by the Americans while East Germany was controlled by the USSR.

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The western half of Germany was controlled by the French, Americans and Brits after World War 2 concluded. The French controlled the section near the border of France and Germany. The US controlled a "middle section" and the Brits controlled the northern area. The allies also controlled different sections of the capitol city of Berlin. The Soviets controlled East Berlin and East Germany and Eastern Europe after the war.

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Germany divided into Germany and Austro-Hungary. Now it is Germany again.

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Eastern part.

What describes Germany after war world 2?

Germany was divided into four occupation zones controlled by the US, UK, France, and the Soviet Union respectively.

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No, but they were allied with Germany at first, then hitler invaded Russia in 1941. After that, they were with the allies.