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Early 3D televisions sometimes suffered from crosstalk. Technology has moved on considerably in the last year or two so make sure you experience as many models as you can. The majority of them will have no noticeable crosstalk.

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Q: Which 3D TV does not have crosstalk or images overlapping?
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What does crosstalk means . Is crosstalk a part of 3D TV technology?

No, crosstalk is not a part of 3D TV technology. It was a drawback of SG technology use earlier in 3D TV's. Crosstalk occurs due the slow performing speed. As in SG method we have a slow performing speed so picture start overlapping, due to which cross talk occurs.

What is a crosstalk free 3D TV?

A crosstalk free 3D television is one that is properly set up with glasses to produce 3D images without the wrong image reaching each eye. Any 3D television can suffer from crosstalk if the display or the glasses become faulty. Despite the LG claims that theirs are always free of crosstalk, they can also show the effect if the television or glasses develop faults.

Does image overlapping occur on every 3D TV set?

No, it does not happen in every 3D TV. Image overlapping or Crosstalk happens in shutter glasses type 3D TV because, the technology they use is not the latest and require images be sent to each eye individually. This is done very rapidly but at times can fail causing images to seem like they are overlapping each other. Cinema 3D TV uses the latest technology and is certified flicker free. Maybe the TV you were watching was a shutter glasses type. You should consider returning the TV if it's not too late.

Which are the crosstalk free 3D TV models?

Well, I can't really list all the crosstalk free 3D TV models but basically, all of the passive ones. They use battery free glasses and the 3D effect is created all in the TV screen, so crosstalk won't happen.

Which one of Samsung or LG is better when you buy a 3D TV from either of them?

LG Cinema 3D got #1 in a consumer research. Personally, I also think LG Cinema 3D is better than Samsung's any other 3D TVs. Samsung's 3D TVs are active TVs and they use shutter system while LG Cinema 3D is a passive tv withbetter FPS technology. Basically you never have to worry about flickering images and crosstalk with a passive 2D TV. Not only is LG Cinema 3D a flicker free and crosstalk free TV, it also has lightweight and battery free 3D glasses. These 3D glasses are very affordable compared to Samsung's. If you're gonna buy a 3D TV, you might as well buy the one that's flicker free and crosstalk free.

I just love to watch horror movie. Recently a Hindi horror movie Haunted is going to be released. I want to watch it on the 3DTV. please suggest me a 3D TV which can deliver best 3D images.?

Well LG has launched Cinema 3D TV with FPR technology. The FPR technology is superior because it delivers the 3D images to our eyes without flicker and crosstalk. Therefore you can go for LG Cinema 3D TV.

Can you tell me if there is the feeling of 3D crosstalk in LG Cinema 3D TV?

No dear in LG Cinema 3D TV you don't feel the 3D crosstalk but you do feel the lack of resolution because Cinema 3D reduces the effective resolution to just 540 lines. Other manufacturers have chosen to retain full HD resolution.

Do LG 3D TVs have any crosstalk?

All 3D televisions can suffer an element of crosstalk including the LG. The more important question is whether the crosstalk is noticeable and disturbing. The answer to that question is answered when you experience LG and other makes before making a purchase. Invest the time to make sure you choose the right model.

Do you know which brand or model of 3D TV that is flicker free and crosstalk free which uses battery free 3D glasses?

There are two technologies in use with 3D television. Active 3D requires glasses that have batteries while passive models do not. Crosstalk in active glasses has been a problem but it depends on the make of glasses and television. For passive 3D, look at Sony, Visio, Toshibe or LG.

Do passive 3D TVs sacrifice the picture quality for its lightweight and cheap 3D glasses?

No, not at all. LG is the biggest maker of passive 3D TVs and LG Cinema 3D gives you the same 3D experience as the movie theater at home. The lightweight, battery free 3D glasses are polarized (just like those you get at movie theaters) and they give you images with hig quality that's also flicker free and crosstalk free.

What is the difference between active and passive 3D TVs and which one is Cinema 3D TV?

The main difference between active and passive 3D TVs is that active 3D TVs use shutter system and passive 3D TVs don't. Shutter system inserts a black frame after each image frame and the result is when your right eye is seeing an image, your left eye sees a black frame. Each side of the glasses take turn to project the image and the black frame i.e. the glasses. This causes flickering images and crosstalks. Passive 3D TVs, however, let your eyes see the 3D images as you naturally see other things. There are no black frames after each image frame. This allows the passive 3D TVs to be flicker free and crosstalk free. Cinema 3D TVs are passive 3D TVs. Passive TVs project images with more vibrant colors and of higher quality.

What 3D TV gives you the most theater like 3D movie experience?

LG Cinema 3D is probably the best one to go for if you want a theater-like 3D experience. LG Cinema 3D series use the same technology as the movie theater 3D screens (as opposed to shutter glasses technology in other 3D tvs). LG Cinema 3D uses lightweight, battery free 3D glasses that give you flicker free and crosstalk free images. You can actually use 3D glasses from movie theaters with LG Cinema 3D (you can't with other 3D tvs).