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Q: Which 4 Southeast states don't border any labled water way?
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What four states in the southeast do no border any bodies of water?

There are not four states in the southeast that do not border ANY bodies of water. Kentucky and Tennessee would be the only candidates for a "southeast" state; perhaps West Virginia, but neither are in the "southeast."

What large body of water border the US on the southeast?

The Atlantic Ocean is the major body of water that is located to the south east of the United States. The Gulf of Mexico is also located south of the United States.

Which body of water borders Spain in the southeast border?

There are a number of bodies of water that border Spain. These include the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Bay of Biscay.

What contiguous United States state has the largest water border?

Florida has the largest water border.

What is the name of the state that has the largest water border of the states?

Many states have long water borders-- Wisconsin, Florida, California. However, Alaska has the longest water border of any of the 50 states.

What body of water is on the southern border of France?

The Mediterranean sea is on the southeast coast of France

What large body of water do all of the pacific states border?

the large body of water that all of the pacific states border is the pacific ocean,the alantic ocean, and the gulf of mexico

What large body of water do all of pacific states border?

the large body of water that all of the pacific states border is the Pacific Ocean,the alantic ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico

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What country borers Russia on the southeast?

Russia is a very large country and has many countries that border it. Russia borders the Pacific Ocean to the East and Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, and even North Korea on its southern border. Southeast of Russia would be water near Japan.

What counties border san mateo county?

San Mateo County is bordered by San Francisco County to the north, Alameda County to the east, and Santa Clara County to the south. It is also adjacent to the Pacific Ocean to the west.