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Q: Which American colonies had shipbuilding whaling and commerce as important sources of income?
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What was the major occupation in the middle?

The Middle Colonies were known as the 'bread basket' of the colonies because of the rich soil which allowed them to farm. Families planted crops such as maize, wheat, rye, potatoes, peas, and flax. Flax was used to make cloth; corn was one of the main foods eaten in the colonies. Agriculture was not the only profitable way to make a living. The Middle Colonies were full of fish, oysters and lobsters, so fishing was also profitable as was shipbuilding. Many were engaged in the fur trade and still more in foreign commerce, while the iron industry had its beginning early in the eighteenth century. One of the chief exports of the Middle Colonies was its grain exports to Europe. Farming, fishing, shipbuilding, as well as cottage industries such as weaving, shoe making, cabinetmaking and other crafts were all important occupations in the Middle Colonies. Commerce was the most profitable!

What was the major occupation in the middle colony's?

The Middle Colonies were known as the 'bread basket' of the colonies because of the rich soil which allowed them to farm. Families planted crops such as maize, wheat, rye, potatoes, peas, and flax. Flax was used to make cloth; corn was one of the main foods eaten in the colonies. Agriculture was not the only profitable way to make a living. The Middle Colonies were full of fish, oysters and lobsters, so fishing was also profitable as was shipbuilding. Many were engaged in the fur trade and still more in foreign commerce, while the iron industry had its beginning early in the eighteenth century. One of the chief exports of the Middle Colonies was its grain exports to Europe. Farming, fishing, shipbuilding, as well as cottage industries such as weaving, shoe making, cabinetmaking and other crafts were all important occupations in the Middle Colonies. Commerce was the most profitable!

How far back does accounting date in the US?

With the establishment of the first English colonies in America, accounting, or bookkeeping, as the discipline was referred to then, quickly assumed an important role in the development of American commerce.

December 1775 parliament passed what act and declared war on American international commerce?

The Prohibitory Act was designed to cut off all trade of the American colonies.

The English colonies of New York and New Jersey were originally .?

The English colonies of New York and New Jersey were originally inhabited by native American tribes. These areas were also centers for trade and commerce between these tribes and the Dutch and French arrivals.

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Why did many American colonists oppose the British system pf mercantilism?

The colonists did resent the mercantile system because it increased the colonies' wealth because the colonies were in charge of all the commerce. The colonists felts this gave the colonies too much power and control.

What is the most important part of commerce in a nation?


Why is the Northwest passage important to American history?

things began to change with the age of whaling and Europe hunger for commerce and trade

How commerce is important for economy?

Commerce is very important for economy and actually serves as the backbone. Commerce is the day to day trading activities in a region.

An increase in American international commerce during the late nineteenth century necessitated what?

A stronger navy and coaling stations and colonies pg. 605 "The American People Creating A Nation & A Society" Volume Two Since 1865

Which colony had little commerce or industry?

The middle colonies