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The Monroe Doctrine

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Q: Which American policy was meant to keep European countries from getting involved in North and South America?
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What American policy was meant to keep European countries from getting involved in north and south America?

The Monroe Doctrine.

Which America policy was meant to keep European countries from getting involved in north and south America?

The Monroe Doctrine

What was the Roosevelt Corollary?

The Roosevelt Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine. It stated that no European countries were allowed to intervene in Latin American affairs. The only way that the U.S was allowed to become involved was if the affairs or European countries was threatened. The United States could exercise police power in Latin America. The United States was the only country allowed to interfere with Latin American countries.

What European countries controlled the South American countries?

The Spanish, the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the English each had control of a part of south america

What countries would be involved in the possible forming of a North American Union?

If there was a forming of a North American Union, the countries that would be involved may extend to South America. The three countries this would implement would be USA, Canada and Mexico.

How did the Roosevelt corollary impact the US?

took action when Latin America had debt problems

What European countries explored the North American continent and influenced the American culture of today?

The main countries that explored the North American continents were Spain, France, and Great Britain. However, more European countries explored North America. They include Portugal, Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy, Russia, and Germany.

Which countries were involved in the middle passage?

Countries involved in the middle passage were America and Africa.

How do the populations of Central American countries compare to the populations of other Latin American countries?

All of them are composed of three ethnic groups: Native Americans or Amerindians; people of European descent and people of African ancestry. Most countries within Latin America (Central America included) have these three ethnic groups and mixtures of all three of them. For example, mestizo people, a mix of native American and European, makes up the majority of most countries in Central America. On the other hand, South American countries have kept a more pronounced segregation; this has resulted in countries with an overwhelmingly majority of European (Argentina: 97%; Uruguay: 88%) or Amerindian (Peru: 45%) people.

Latin America racially and ethnically diverse?

Yes. Most countries have a mix of European, Native American and African people to varying degrees.

How was trade between America and European countries affected by the war?

British and French demands for american goods created a trade imbalance. #NOVANET#

How was trade between America and European countries affected the war?

British and French demands for american goods created a trade imbalance. #NOVANET#