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The one never existed.

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Q: Which American state was an independent nation from 1836 to 1845?
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How many years was Texas independent before it officially became a state?

The Republic of Texas was officially recognized as an independent nation for 10 years from 1836-1846 until it was annexed to the Union.Texas was one of only three states that existed as an independent country, the other two being Vermont (Vermont Republic) and Hawaii (Kingdom and Republic of Hawaii).

Who did Texas belong to from 1821-1830?

Texas belonged to Mexico from 1821 to 1836. When Mexico won it's independence in 1821, it included Texas as part of its nation. Texas won its independence from Mexico in 1836 and remained independent until its annexation into the US in 1845.

What states were called before they became states?

Two states were independent nations before they became states: Texas and Hawaii. Texas declared its independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836 and was an independent nation for 9 years before it became part of the Union in 1845. Hawaii was annexed and became a territory in 1898. It became a state in 1959.

How did Texas become an independent country?

Texas broke of from Mexico during 1836 because they wanted to join the US. Most of the settlers at the time were culturally American and not Mexican. The end of the Mexican constitution allowed the government more control and angered the Texans and other Mexican leading into their decision to leave.

How did Texas become part of the United States?

The Republic of Texas had enormous debt and a very uncertain future. Since the Texans had strong cultural ties with the United States, it was a natural progression for Texas to join the United States. When an agreement was settled on (negotiations had been going on throughout the brief (9 year) history of Texan independence), the nation became a state.

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The state used to be an independent nation?

Texas was independent and referred to as The Republic of Texas from 1836 to 1845.

What state was a indepedent nation from 1836 to 1845?

This state is Texas. Which was an independent republic in north America, having won it's independence from Mexico.

Which US state was an independent nation for ten years during the 19th century?

Texas was independent and referred to as The Republic of Texas from 1836 to 1845.

What state did the us get in 1836 from Mexico?

None, Texas became independent in 1836.

Did Texas become a republic in 1836 after santa Anna surrendered to Sam Houston?

Yes, Texas began its nine years as an independent nation in 1836.

How many years was Texas independent before it officially became a state?

The Republic of Texas was officially recognized as an independent nation for 10 years from 1836-1846 until it was annexed to the Union.Texas was one of only three states that existed as an independent country, the other two being Vermont (Vermont Republic) and Hawaii (Kingdom and Republic of Hawaii).

What was the name of the independent nation of Texas?

The Republic of Texas which existed from 1836 to 1846. It was only recoognized by the United States, France, Belgiium, Netherlands and the Republic of Yucatan. Texas became a US State on 29 December 1845.

What U.S. state was once an independent republic?

The Republic of Texas existed between 1836 and 1846.

What is the Significance of 1836 and 1845?

The start of a new state the separation of Texas and Mexico. Texas becoming its independent state.

What did the Texas annexation do in 1845?

Spain was an independent republic from 1836 until 1845. After the Mexican-American war, the United States annexed Texas, and it became a U.S. state.

Was Texas an independent republic in 1840?

Texas became an independent republic in 1836 and continued to be until 1846. It became a state in the United States that year.

Was Texas ever an Independent Republic?

Texas became an independent nation upon winning its independence from Mexico in 1836, about nine years before being annexed by the United States. Although independent for only nine years, Texas Independence Day is still a Texas state holiday (March 2).