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Eugene V. Debs

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Q: Which American was persecuted for speaking against the US involvement in World War 1?
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Which American was prosecuted for speaking against US involvement in World War 1?

Eugene V. Debs

Who was the leader of the Socialist Party of America and imprisoned for speaking out against American involvement in World War 1?

Eugene debs

Who was the leader of the Socialist Party of America and imprisoned for speaking out against American involvement in World War 1 apex?

Eugene debs

What general features of earlier American history worked against American involvement in European affairs and participation in the League of Nations?

Support thewar

What was Betsy Ross's involvement in the Revolutionary War?

Betsy involvement was to make the first American flag to terminate the war against the British. The flag had thirteen stars and thirteen stripes. It was red white and blue.

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to retaliate against U.S. involvement in Cuba

Who was the American socialist journalist who was sent to jail for speaking out against World War 1?

Eugene Debs

Why did they kill the arch bishop in the movie Shooter?

The archbishop was actually the real target, not the President, and he was murdered to prevent his speaking out against U.S. involvement in the genocide of an Ethiopian village. The genocide was carried out on behalf of a consortium of American corporate oil interests headed by corrupt Senator Charles Meachum (Beatty).

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The Watchtower magazine of Jehovah's Witnesses has always been poltically neurtral.

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Reform against the Monarchy.

What was true about president Johnson's attitude?

He had been against American involvement before becoming president. He felt that taking out troops would be a defeat for the United States.

What was true about President Johnson's attitude toward Vietnam?

He had been against American involvement before becoming president. He felt that taking out troops would be a defeat for the United States.