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Q: Which Anolis lizard ecomorph has long legs?
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Related questions

How does a lizard look like?

It has 4 slimy legs,2 eyes,and a rather long body. It also has a tail.

What shape is a komodo dragon like?

The komodo dragon has the typical lizard shape, with a long tail and four legs, although with lengths to ten feet, it's the world's largest lizard.

How long is a Frilled lizard?

depends on the lizard.

How long is a frilled neck lizard?

depends on the lizard.

How long is a esophagus on a lizard?

That depends on the size of the lizard

How long is a lizard's tail?

The longest lizard tail is about ten inches long at the very most.

Can you have a long tailed lizard as a pet?

yes ovcorse you can there is nothing wrong with a lizard with a long tail.

What does a frilled lizard look like?

Frilled lizards are often a dark brown colour. They usually stand on all four legs but it is possible for them to stand on the back two. They have small eyes, and are very skinny and long. They have quite long legs compared to other lizards and have 2 large flaps on their head that go down their body. When the lizard wants to scare a foe away, it opens its mouth and the flaps on its head come out to make it look bigger and scarier.

How long can a lizard grow in cm?

A lizard can grow to about 9.75 centimeters.

What can a small lizard eat?

They eat Daddy long legs spiders, tiny grasshoppers, also other small spiders that are not poisonous and probably the easiest to get them is ants. They like ants.

How long does a lizard live in captivity?

it depends on its environment and what you feed it and what kind of lizard it is.

How long is daddy long legs legs?

An adult daddy long legs will have segmented legs, that when stretched out would be about 5 to 6cm long.