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Q: Which British general was having trouble defeating the Americans in the south?
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They didn't have the right material

What countries were causing the confederation trouble in 1787?

The British, the French, and the Spanish. British forts were still standing on American soil, the French were demanding that the bankrupt Congress repay their loans, and Spanish agents were working among the Native Americans.

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The accepted method of warfare involved a large number of soldiers from each side facing each other on a battlefield. The patriots used what we now call guerrilla warfare attacking and retreating using hit and run tactics and the British did not know how to deal with it.

Could British-English and American-English be considered two different languages?

No, they are dialects of the same language. Americans and Brits have no trouble understanding each other except for the occasional slang term.

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The Americans had several advantages. They fought on their own land, while British had to bring troops and supplies from thousands of miles away. The siege of Yorktown showed how the British depended on support from the sea. When their ships were blocked, the British troops were without support. The British succeeded in occupying cities, but had trouble controlling the countryside. The Patriots, however, knew the local terrain and where too lay an ambush.

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Do Americans get in trouble for not having a job?

Not legally, but they will find that they have very little money.

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White landowners who could make those African Americans work for them

Can you get in trouble for posting video of your ex girlfriend?

In general, you should have her permission. If there's any nakedness, you could get into trouble for sure.

Who had the most to gain when African Americans got in trouble for having a job?

White landowners who could make those African Americans work for them

Who had the most to gain when African Americans got in trouble for not having a job?

White landowners who could make those African Americans work for them

Who have the most gain when African-Americans got in trouble for not having a job?

White Landowners who could make those African Americans work for them.