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Q: Which Brown gas bleaches damp litmus paper?
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What effect has hydrogen chloride gas on damp litmus papaer?

Turns it red then bleaches it.

What happens to red litmus paper if dipped in water?

A bleaching agent turns litmus paper white. For example, chlorine gas turns damp blue litmus paper red, and then bleaches, making it white.

What happens when fluorine is exposed to damp blue litmus paper?

Fluorine is a highly reactive element that will react with water vapor in the air to form hydrogen fluoride. When hydrogen fluoride comes into contact with damp blue litmus paper, it will turn red due to the acidic nature of hydrogen fluoride.

What color does hydrogen chloride turn damp litmus paper?

turns blue litmus paper red

Why does the litmus paper need to be damp?

The litmus paper needs to be damp to ensure that the indicator solution on the paper is in contact with the substance being tested. This allows the indicator to react with the substance and produce a color change, providing a clear indication of the substance's pH.

How do you test for ammonia gas?

One common test for ammonia gas is the damp red litmus paper test. Place the damp red litmus paper near the suspected source of ammonia gas - if ammonia gas is present, the paper will turn blue due to the alkalinity of ammonia. Another method is using a glass rod dipped in hydrochloric acid (HCl) - if ammonia gas is present, white fumes of ammonium chloride will form on the glass rod.

What color does hydrogen sulphide turn damp litmus paper?

Red, it's acidic.

What test can be used to confirm the presence of ammonia gas?

1. It has a pungent smell 2. direct the gas to a damp red litmus paper. If the litmus paper turns blue, it is ammonia gas

Does ammonia turn litmus paper blue or red?

No, it shouldn't...AgNO3 has a neutral pH of 6, so the paper probably won't change colors.

How can you test for ammonia?

One common way to test for ammonia is by using ammonia test strips or a liquid reagent test kit. These kits typically involve collecting a water sample and adding a few drops of the test solution to detect the presence of ammonia based on a color change. It is important to follow the instructions provided with the test kit for accurate results.

Why must litmus paper used to observe gas be moist?

Litmus paper is used moist to obtain the desired result. Litmus responds different to dry and wet conditions depending on the chemicals being checked.

Is chlorine gas an acidic or alkaline gas?

It is a neutral gas that bleaches damp litmus paper. Gases themselves are not acidic/alkaline, it is only when they are combined with hydrogen ions (Hence the damp litmus paper) that they become acidic/alkaline and in this case acidic.