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I ran screaming from Symbian OS and pledged to never buy another Nokia product about 6 years ago because of this specific topic. I worked with Nokia on a few development projects.

Symbian's scheduler (back then) was a strict priority queue. Instead if proper threads and processes, it was simulated through an "Active Object Queue" which was very simplistic and barely functional. The idea was, you had a list of cooperative threads (windows 3.1 style) and the first item in the list flagged as needing attention was the next item run. So, if you were to release control from a high priority object and want it back after, it would get control immediately and starve all other threads.

Later, they added a "kernel scheduler" which was "real-time" but was little more than an interrupt handler with a limited scheduler. The overall goal of the OS design was "it doesn't matter how back the OS sucks, we can run on a lower end CPU than windows CE." So while Windows CE was a full, preemptive multitasking real-time kernel. Symbian was basically something closer to a kernel with a real-time process and a non-real-time process.

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Q: Which CPU scheduling algorithm use by symbian os?
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What CPU scheduling algorithm is used by?

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Linux has a number of schedulers available in its kernel, plus at least one scheduler available as a patch. But the default schedler is the Completely Fair Scheduler. Like most modern schedulers, it is pre-emptive, meaning that instead of the process deciding when to give up the CPU, the kernel decides for it when to give up the CPU. This keeps even the most uncooperative process from starving the other processes on the computer of CPU time. From what I understand of how CFS works: It keeps an eye on how much of an assigned quantum (length of time.) is actually spent on the CPU by a process and how much of the quantum is spent blocking (Keeping off the CPU to wait for I/O requests to complete, a process can't usually proceed and keep going without requested data. During the time a process is waiting for the hardware, other processes make use of the CPU.) The less time a process actually uses the CPU on its given quantum, the higher a priority it gets so that when the data from an I/O operation is complete the process can quickly execute to the next I/O request and block again. This keeps the CPU busy, but the system responsive to just about any event.I don't know what sort of process scheduling is used on Windows. Windows, unlike Linux, is given a pretty heavy black box treatment when it comes to its users and a great deal about its kernel is not common knowledge. Presumably it is a pre-emptive, priority-based scheduler. Doubtful it's as efficient as CFS.

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