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Q: Which Christian Socialist argued that Jesus of Nazareth would support the Socialists?
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Related questions

How did Bismarck try and persuade workers not to support the socialists?

Bismarck introduced anti socialist laws in 1878, which deprived socialist organizations of the right of assembly and publication.

How did Bismarcks Anti-socialist Campaign backfired?

Bismarck's Anti-Socialist campaign backfired because it actually increased support for the Socialists. Instead of quelling their movement, the repressive measures used by Bismarck, such as banning socialist publications and imprisoning socialist leaders, made the Socialists appear as victims of an authoritarian regime. As a result, more people sympathized with their cause and supported the Socialist Party in elections.

Why do socialists support collectivism?

Socialists support collectivism since they believe that it is the only way to reach to the less privileged in the society. They believe that this is an excellent way of creating equality in the society.

What is the difference between Communist and Socialist beliefs?

Karl Marx, who came up with the idea of communism believed that Socialism was the bridge to Communism. There has never been a true Communist state on the face of the earth due to the failure of all governments to get passed the Socialist Stage. In socialism the government takes substantial control in the day to day operations of a country which usually leads to oppression in one form or another.

What action would members of the socialists party of America most likely support?

Operation of factories by the government would likely be supported by the Socialist Party of America.Operation of factories by the government

Does the Socialist Party in France support same-sex marriage?

Yes, the Socialist Party of France does support same-sex marriage. As of September 2011, France now has a Socialist President of Parliament for the first time in its history.

Why do socialist workers resist capitalism and capitalist workers resist socialism if each is being harmed by his own sociopolitical structure?

By ‘capitalist workers’, I assume you mean workers who support capitalism. Most of them probably don’t have the slightest understanding of Socialism (a classless stateless society based on production for use), and see no alternative to capitalism.

Did anarchists only oppose socialism?

Anarchists were socialists and still consider themselves to be socialists. Anarchists opposed what is today called "state socialism", meaning any type of socialism that advocates for state ownership of the means of production as a form of social ownership. Liberals, conservatives, fascists and monarchists generally opposed socialism.

What do socialists not support?

Socialisst do not support individual initiative nor private enterprise in industry. They want industries to be owned and managed by the government.

What kind of reform did Bismarck take a pioneering role in?

Bismarck took a leading role in social welfare reform. The reforms were a strategic political move which gained him the support of the working class. Bismarck had recognized his political vulnerability to the socialist movement which was growing rapidly. Without his social welfare reform, the support of the working class could have easily gone to the socialists.

Why did Che Guevara support armed revolutions?

He was a socialist ideologist and a criminal

What gained some support because of the terrible conditions?

The Socialist party.