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Believing that Jesus is the Son of God and The Bible is God's Word are core beliefs of Christianity. All true denominations of Christianity (Baptist, Methodist, Catholicism, etc.) believe that.

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Q: Which Christian religions believe Jesus is the Son of God and Bible is God's true words?
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Will Jesus abandon you if you believe him to be god incarnate without being a christian?

If you believe Jesus is a god then you are a Christian, baptised or not. There are also religions that believe in Jesus but do not believe him to be god. There is no evidence in their literature to suggest they will or can be abandoned by Jesus. If you are not a Christian or any other religion that believes in Jesus then the question is moot, it does not matter if Jesus abandons you.

Does The Orthodox Church believe in The Bible?

Why of course. The Bible is the heart of The Christian Faith alongside with The Cross and Jesus Christ.

How does Christian Science differ from the Bible?

Christian Scientists study the Bible daily. They believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and they strive to follow His teachings.

Can you die and come back to life but be something else?

This depends on your perspective, if you are referring to Jesus of the Christian Bible: all Christians believe so. As of our day, we have yet to prove that humans can come back from the dead.

Why are people Christian?

Because they believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and the Son of God as the Bible says.

Do Christians believe Jesus was the son of God?

As a good and strong christian, I believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God. Christains do believe and supposed to believe Jesus is the son of God because "christian" means "christ-like". Christians follow the ways of Jesus Christ because he established the church and called it his. It is in the bible that Jesus was in existence before he was killed but then he rose again and fulfilled his promise.

What do both Judaism and Christianity believe in?

Both religions believe in the idea of one God (though the concept of God is viewed very differently within the two religions). Both religions share the Hebrew Bible, though the Christian version, called the Old Testament, is only read in translation and the early church changed the order of the books. Jews keep the Hebrew Bible in its original order. Both religions teach a philosophy of treating others with kindness (though the early and medieval Christians were not very kind to Jews.)

Which religions acknowledge the exsistance Jesus Christ?

Christian religions acknowledge both the present existence and Lordship of Jesus Christ, but most other religions acknowledge that Jesus Christ once lived

Do Christian believe in Jesus?

Yes, being a 'Christian' is to be a disciple of Jesus 'Christ.'

How many times does Jesus say believe in the Bible?

77 is it?

Why is it that different religions that believe in the same god cant get along?

This happens since all religions are trying to recruit as many followers as possible and there is always one that gets in the other's way, for example, Jews say that Jesus Christ was not the son of god and that bothers and gets in the way of the holy teachings of the Christian Bible

All these religions believe in the same god except what?

The majority of religions believe in Jesus Christ, but have different beliefs about him. Mormon and Jehovah Witness have around the same basic beliefs of Jesus. Jewish, Christian, and Catholic have the same basic principles as well. Buddhism does not have a god, it believes in a path to enlightenment. Muslim, or Islamic, believe in Jesus, but only as a prophet. Their god is Mohammad.