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Isis was worshipped very early in Egpytian history and continued to be widely worshiped not only throughout Egypt but also much of the known world. There are those who worship Isis in the modern day, by pagans and Kemetism.

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Q: Which Egyptian pharaohs worshipped the goddess Isis and what years did they rule?
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How long did Egypt have pharaohs?

about 6000 years

What years were the pharaoh?

The word "pharaoh" is a title for Egyptian kings. The Egyptians had pharaohs since their beginning as a united people. The traditional date for the start of ancient Egypt is 3150 BC. So the Egyptians had pharaohs from 3150 BC to 30 BC. and possibly a little longer. This is because it has recently been brought up that the Egyptian priests made Octavian/Augustus a pharaoh although he never accepted the title.The word "pharaoh" is a title for Egyptian kings. The Egyptians had pharaohs since their beginning as a united people. The traditional date for the start of ancient Egypt is 3150 BC. So the Egyptians had pharaohs from 3150 BC to 30 BC. and possibly a little longer. This is because it has recently been brought up that the Egyptian priests made Octavian/Augustus a pharaoh although he never accepted the title.The word "pharaoh" is a title for Egyptian kings. The Egyptians had pharaohs since their beginning as a united people. The traditional date for the start of ancient Egypt is 3150 BC. So the Egyptians had pharaohs from 3150 BC to 30 BC. and possibly a little longer. This is because it has recently been brought up that the Egyptian priests made Octavian/Augustus a pharaoh although he never accepted the title.The word "pharaoh" is a title for Egyptian kings. The Egyptians had pharaohs since their beginning as a united people. The traditional date for the start of ancient Egypt is 3150 BC. So the Egyptians had pharaohs from 3150 BC to 30 BC. and possibly a little longer. This is because it has recently been brought up that the Egyptian priests made Octavian/Augustus a pharaoh although he never accepted the title.The word "pharaoh" is a title for Egyptian kings. The Egyptians had pharaohs since their beginning as a united people. The traditional date for the start of ancient Egypt is 3150 BC. So the Egyptians had pharaohs from 3150 BC to 30 BC. and possibly a little longer. This is because it has recently been brought up that the Egyptian priests made Octavian/Augustus a pharaoh although he never accepted the title.The word "pharaoh" is a title for Egyptian kings. The Egyptians had pharaohs since their beginning as a united people. The traditional date for the start of ancient Egypt is 3150 BC. So the Egyptians had pharaohs from 3150 BC to 30 BC. and possibly a little longer. This is because it has recently been brought up that the Egyptian priests made Octavian/Augustus a pharaoh although he never accepted the title.The word "pharaoh" is a title for Egyptian kings. The Egyptians had pharaohs since their beginning as a united people. The traditional date for the start of ancient Egypt is 3150 BC. So the Egyptians had pharaohs from 3150 BC to 30 BC. and possibly a little longer. This is because it has recently been brought up that the Egyptian priests made Octavian/Augustus a pharaoh although he never accepted the title.The word "pharaoh" is a title for Egyptian kings. The Egyptians had pharaohs since their beginning as a united people. The traditional date for the start of ancient Egypt is 3150 BC. So the Egyptians had pharaohs from 3150 BC to 30 BC. and possibly a little longer. This is because it has recently been brought up that the Egyptian priests made Octavian/Augustus a pharaoh although he never accepted the title.The word "pharaoh" is a title for Egyptian kings. The Egyptians had pharaohs since their beginning as a united people. The traditional date for the start of ancient Egypt is 3150 BC. So the Egyptians had pharaohs from 3150 BC to 30 BC. and possibly a little longer. This is because it has recently been brought up that the Egyptian priests made Octavian/Augustus a pharaoh although he never accepted the title.