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Q: Which European power took the lead in spending out voyages of exploration?
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Identify 3 factors that led European nations to voyages of exploration?

The Age of Exploration began in the 15th century and continued in to the early 17th century. Three factors that drove this exploration were desire to spread their religion, desire for riches and desire to gain power over other countries.

What does gold mean in the European exploration?

European exploration towards gold means more land or, more power.

What are the motivation of European expiditions?

Exploration, land, power and wealth

What factors led European to begin their voyages of exploration?

Europeans wanted access to the riches of the East. They wanted to spread Catholicism to other lands and they wanted to gain power at home.

What do you think motivated sailors to sign for voyages of exploration?

the other nations of Europe watched as new trade routes brought increased wealth and power to Portugal.They soon launched voyages of exploration to find their own water routes to Asia.

What do you think motivated sailors to sign on voyages of exploration?

the other nations of Europe watched as new trade routes brought increased wealth and power to Portugal.They soon launched voyages of exploration to find their own water routes to Asia.

What were the goals and motivation for European exploration?

The goals of European exploration were to find new trade routes to Asia, spread Christianity, acquire wealth and resources, and expand their empires. European countries were motivated by competition with each other, a desire for knowledge and discovery, and the potential for economic and political power that exploration could bring.

Why did exploration benefit Europe?

Exploration benefited Europe because it led to the discovery of new trade routes, resources, and territories that increased wealth and power for European nations. It also facilitated the spread of European culture, technology, and ideas around the world. Additionally, exploration helped to expand European knowledge of geography and science.

What do you think motivated sailors to sign on for voyages of explorations?

the other nations of Europe watched as new trade routes brought increased wealth and power to Portugal.They soon launched voyages of exploration to find their own water routes to Asia.

What were Europeans' motives for making voyages of exploration?

Europeans main motives for voyages of exploration occurred during the Renaissance Era and included building of empires, diffusion of Christianity, ever-increasing opportunities fort trade and new markets, greater power than before, and material good and riches that included gold, spices, silver and slaves.

What are the major reasons for exploration and colonization by the European power?

Strategic Military influence coupled with increased economic strength.

What was the main reason for European exploration?

The main reason for European exploration was to find new trade routes to Asia for valuable spices and goods. Additionally, explorers sought to spread Christianity, claim new territories for their country, and acquire wealth and power.