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Q: Which European was not heavily involved in the slave trade?
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What European country was the least involved in slavery?

Spain was least involved in the slave trade.

What were the names of the slave trade tribes?

There were several tribes involved in the African slave trade, including the Ashanti, Yoruba, Dahomey, Igbo, and Fante. These tribes were primarily located in regions of West Africa, which were heavily involved in capturing and selling slaves to European traders.

How were some Africans involved in the slave trade?

Some Africans were involved in the transatlantic slave trade as intermediaries who captured and enslaved people to sell to European slave traders. Additionally, some African rulers and merchants profited from the trade by selling enslaved individuals in exchange for goods and weapons.

Why were fellow africans involved in the slave trade?

Fellow Africans were involved in the slave trade for various reasons, including profit, political power, and as a result of intertribal conflicts. European involvement also incentivized some African leaders to participate in the trade.

What is the 3 main countries who were involved in the slave trade?

What is the 3 main countries who were involved in the slave trade?

Which UK Ports benefited most from the Slave Trade?

London had a monopoly on the slave trade until the late 17th century. From then on Liverpool in the North West and Bristol in the South West were the two ports most heavily involved

Why was the slave trade hard to stop in European colonies?

The Europeans relied heavily on their slaves to do almost all their manual labor such as farming and other such tasks.

What country was the 1st to be invovled in the slave trade?

England was the first to be involved with the slave trade

How was prince Henry involved in the slave trade?

He wasn't involved.

How Long Did The Atlantic Slave Trade Last?

How long did the European Slave Trade last?

How long did the Atlantic slave last?

How long did the European Slave Trade last?

What continents were involved in the trade?

Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America were the continents directly involved in the Columbian Exchange.