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Lord shiva.

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Q: Which Hindu god is the remover of all obstacles?
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What does it tell you about the nature of Ganesh?

The god of wisdom and the remover of obstacles

Who is ganesha in life of pi?

In the novel "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel, Ganesha is the Hindu god of wisdom and remover of obstacles. Pi's family is Hindu, and his father's zoo in India includes a statue of Ganesha. Pi finds solace in praying to Ganesha during his journey at sea.

Why is Ganesha worshiped first?

As the god of beginnings, he is honored at the start of rituals and ceremonies. Ganesha is widely revered as the remover of obstacles.

What is the Hindu elephant gods name?

The elephant-headed God is Ganesh or Ganesha. Ganesha is considered the Remover of Obstacles and the Lord of Beginnings, the patron of arts and sciences, and the God of intellect and wisdom as well as being the patron deity of Librarians.

Who is the most known god of Hinduism?

The god Ganesh, a favorite for many Hindus and the most recognizable because he has the head of an elephant, is the remover of obstacles and helps people to accomplish difficult goals.

What does Genesh the Hindu god do?

Ganesh is not a God but a 'deva'...............he comes from Shiva's energy............ HE removes al the obstacles that the sincere devotees face ...........and bestow his grace upon us

What Hindu god is known as The Creator?

Shiva, the most powerful and important Hindu God of all.

What does Hindu in Buddhism have in common?

All Hindu know ...GoD BHUDHA 9th born of GOD its common..but there are more common

Does Hindu have a god?

yes, hindu have a god

What is the difference between Hindu and Islamic view of god?

God is one for all but hindu make the god by his hand but muslim can't do this.because god has no face no body he is a nur.we can't see him

Which Hindu god is the god of love?

The Hindu God of love is called Kamadeva.

What is on the main shrine in a Hindu temple?

it all depends what god it is