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Q: Which In England Elizabeth Founded And Headed Which Church?
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Which church is headed by a king or queen and not a pope?

The Church of England, the Anglican Church, is headed by the reigning monarch of England.

How old is the Church of England?

It was approximately 1533 that Henry VII separated England from the catholic church headed by the pope and established the Anglican church, or church of England. Since it is currently 2009, the church is 476 years old.

Why was Queen Elizabeth 1 against the catholic religion?

the pope headed the catholic church and elizabeth was a big supporter of Protestantism

What type of political system is headed by Queen Elizabeth 2nd England?

The political system that was headed by Queen Elizabeth II was a monarchy. Elizabeth has been acting Queen since her coronation in 1953.

Was European Christianity in serious decline in the early 1500s?

Not in Serious Decline but some people began to follow other Religons instead of what the Church of Rome taught (who was headed by the pope). One country who lead the decline of the following of the church of Rome was England who's ruler was Queen Elizabeth I.

What religion did most people follow in New England?

In colonial New England, most people followed Puritanism, which was a form of Protestant Christianity. Puritans believed in a strict moral code and sought to purify the Church of England. Their influence can still be seen in the cultural norms of the region today.

What type of political system is headed by queen eilzabeth 2 of England?

Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the Constitutional Monarchy in the United Kingdom.

What is the difference between the Anglican Church and the United Church of Canada and the Presbyterian Church in Canada?

The Anglican chruch is not an official established church. Members of the Church of England are called Anglicans. The Church of England is headed by the King of England while the Roman Catholic Church is headed by a pope. During King Henry's reign he removed the pope and announced himself as the head of a very little reformed church called the Church of England. People who were called Puritans sought to reform the Church of England of its catholic aspects. The Congregational Church grew out from the Purtian Church.

Who is the head of the Catholic Church in England?

England, Australia and every other country where Roman Catholicism exists, is always headed by the Pope. The Roman Catholic Church has just one earthly leader who resides in Rome.

Where was the Titanic headed from to where?

It headed to England and tried to get to New York but sadly it sunk. :(

Where is the HQ of church of England?

It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. The "headquarters" of each particular Catholic Church is in its Cathedral, thus each diocese is a "particular Church" headed by a Bishop (or Archbishop). There really is no such thing as the Catholic Church in England, as such, there is the Catholic Church of Westminster, the Catholic Church of York, etc. However, you are probably looking for the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, as he is considered the first of the Bishops of England. His see is in Westminster Cathedral in London.

Who founded GTAcceleracers?

it was founded by Grant amandy or TheGTAsuperior. Lorenzo Erwin supported the foundation and then Ljan Butin headed it.