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Q: Which Indian fish migrates from sea up river to breed?
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What three fish migrate to fresh water to breed?

If the fish does this for fun rather than to breed it is classed as an "amphidromous" species. If the fish lives mainly in the ocean and travels into fresh water to breed then it is "anadromous". Salmon come into this category.

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Can you name the ocean animal that migrates?

whales, some dolphins, and few fish migrate.

Why do gray sharks eat less in winter?

because in winter most of the fish migrates and there wouldn't be much fish.. there could a few..

How do you breed your fish on tap fish?

you get two fish that when you are buying them say "breedable" then once you buy them, go to the "Breed" section of the menu, and then click on the fish you want to breed, then press "breed" then wait 3 days, then go to the menu then press the "Breed" then there is your new fish

What did some of the Indian's the frinks encountered do?

They showed the Frinks a way across the river. Give the Frinks fish for trade

How do you breed fish on Fish with Attitude?

You go to the breeding room and click breed and then pick 2 fish to breed, then when the fish are done, click lay egg.

What two fish do you need to breed for the magic fishes on fish tycoon?

there is a series of fish you can breed to get the magic fish. The frist magic fish comes when you first get the game then breed a bunch of fish together untl you get the rest

Can fish breed?

yep if you want to breed fish then don't try bettas because the fight to much. but if you do want to breed fish then id breed either swordtails mollies or guppies