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Saladin (Salah al-Din Yusuf Ibn Ayyub) was noted as man of great chivalry.


Saladin fought in a completely different way to Western Knights. He was noted for having similar ideals to the code of Chivalry ie. respect for your equal, which in this case was King Richard. However, the fighting styles of the Muslim princes was the complete opposite to those of the West.

However, some tactics from the East were incorporated into Western fighting. Such as the incorporation of circular towers or concentric walls. As can be seen with Edward I, after crusading in the East he incorporated the Geurilla tactics of having a small but very mobile force with in depth knowledge of the terrain in order to finally capture Wales. Through the use of smaller garrison forts (another learnt tactic from the East) he was able to effectively utilise this strategy.

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Q: Which Muslim fought in a similar way to western knights?
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