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The only prophet of any religion killed by a Jew is Mohammed from Islam. In that case, a Jewish woman whose entire family was slaughtered at Khaybar by Muslims at Mohammed's orders poisoned Mohammed in retribution for this callous act.

It is also worth noting that Mohammed was not killed "by the Jews" inferring that all Jews wished to kill him, but by a Jewish woman. This is the same way Bahá'u'lláh, the prophet of the Baha'i was persecuted by some Muslims, not "by the Muslims".

As for Jesus, there is certainly the bloodguilt claim that Jews make in Matthew as to Jesus' death. Not only is this probably inaccurate, as the Gospels are polemical texts, this still does not mean that any Jews killed him. He was executed by a Roman State Apparatus that could very well have chosen not to execute him. However, Pontius Pilate was well-known for his barbarism and cruelty and chose to have Jesus crucified.

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Q: What are the names of the holy Prophets who were killed by the Jews?
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