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President George HW Bush nominated Justice Clarence Thomas to the US Supreme Court in 1991.

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Q: Which President nominated the secord African-American justice to the US Supreme Court?
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A US Supreme Court Justice must be nominated by the president and then confirmed by?

The senate

Who was nominated by Obama as associate justice 2009?

Barack Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor as associate justice of the Supreme Court in 2009.

Who was nominated to court to court by President Ford?

President Ford nominated Justice John Paul Stevens to the US Supreme Court in 1975. Justice Stevens retired in June 2009 and was succeeded by Justice Sotomayor.

What president served full term but never nominated a supreme court justice?

Jimmy Carter was the only full-term president who did not have the opportunity to appoint a supreme court justice.

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Who nominated the justice who has been on the US Supreme Court longest?

President Ronald Reagan nominated senior Justice Antonin Scalia to the US Supreme Court in 1986. Justice Scalia will have served 25 years on September 26, 2011.

What political party nominated justice Stephen Breyer?

Bill Clinton, a Democratic President, nominated Justice Breyer in 1994. US Supreme Court justices are nominated by Presidents, not by political parties (although the President belongs to a political party).

Who nominated the first justices of the US Supreme Court?

The President. George Washington, nominated and the Senate confirmed John Jay, first Chief Justice.

What was the first name of the Fortas who became a justice on the supreme Cort in 1965?

Abe Fortas became a Supreme Court justice in 1965. He was justice from 1965 to 1969 and was nominated by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

How is the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court chosen?

He (or she) is nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by a simple majority (51%) vote of the Senate. All Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the president; no person becomes a Supreme Court Justice without a presidential nomination. Nominees are then voted on by the Senate. If the Senate rejects a nominee, which does happen, then the president chooses another nominee. If the President selects an Associate Justice to become Chief Justice, he or she is said to be "elevated," rather than appointed. The Chief Justice remains Chief Justice until resignation (or death), and the person nominated by the president to take the vacant seat becomes the Chief Justice.

Which President nominated the fewest justices to the US Supreme Court?

President Jimmy Carter was the only full-term US President who never had an opportunity to nominate a US Supreme Court justice.

Who was nominated by President George W Bush and have been a Supreme Court Justice since 2006?

Samuel Alito is his name.