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Q: Which South American country's president has a pink house?
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Where does the president of South Korea live?

The Blue House

What American president did not live in the white house?


What is the name of the building that the American President resides in?

The White House.

What country's president lives in Blue House?

South Korean resident

Why is the wight house important?

Assuming you're talking about the White House - it is the official residence of the american President.

Which American president did not reside in the White House?

George Washington is the only President who did not ever live in the White House. He left office before it was ready to move into.

What does the American flag mean when it is not flying at the white house?

That the president is not home

Does President Obama pay to live in the White-House?

The White House is the official residence for the president of the United States; it has always been supported and funded by American taxpayers.

How many TVs does the average South American have in there house?

The average south American has three televisions in their house. In countries such as Europe, it is quite different. Because they are not as fascinated with television as Americans are, they tend to only have one television per household.

Who lives in a White House?

All American presidents since John Adams have lived in the White House while they were in office.

Who was the American president that inaugurated the Easter egg hunt at the White House?

Rutherford b. Hayes

What is the address of the American president?

The White House is at 1600 Pennsylvannia Ave. , Washinton, D. C.