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The deadliest U.S. hurricane was the Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900. The exact death toll is not known. estimates range from 6,000 to 12,000.

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Q: Which United States hurricane caused the most deaths and how many people did it kill?
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What were the 5 worst hurricanes in US history?

The five worst hurricanes in United States are: 1. Galveston Hurricane was responsible for 8,000 deaths. (1900) 2. Great Okeechobee Hurricane was responsible for 2,500 deaths. (1928) 3. Chenier Caminada Hurricane was responsible for 2,000 deaths. (1893) 4. "Sea Islands" Hurricane was responsible for 1,000 to 2,000 deaths. (1893) 5. Hurricane Katrina was responsible for 1,836 deaths. (2005)

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Where did the deadliest hurricane strike in 1900 and caused 8000 deaths?

It struck Galveston, Texas.

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How many deaths did hurricane isabel cause?

Hurricane Isabel was directly responsible for about 16 deaths. Ten of the deaths were in Virginia with the others occurring in other states.

Where did the most deadliest hurricane strike?

It is hard to define which is the deadliest hurricane. the hurrican happened in 1979 is the most deadliest hurricane.