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Q: Which Virginian is most responsible for the Virginia statute of religious freedom that later became the basis for the 1st amendment to the us constitution?
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What religious groups opposed the Eighteenth Amendment to the US Constitution?

The 18th Amendment to the US Constitution was put into affect in 1920. The purpose was to abolish intoxicating liquors. There is no evidence that Protestants, who were the largest religious group in the country, opposed this amendment.

Which document was the basis for the First Amendment to the Constitution of the US the amendment that protects religious freedom?

The most prominent was The Federalist Papers.

What amendment would taxes on a church service violate?

The 16th amendment of the constitution on the United States of America is written regarding taxes for both people and religious institutions. If a church is taxed it would be a violation of this amendment.

Does the Constitution have any religious qualifications for President?

No, the Constitution makes no provisions against candidacy for President regarding religious affiliation.No. Such a clause would actually be unconstitutional, as it would violate the 1st Amendment.

What does the first amendment tell you about the religious views of the writers of the constitution?

That You Need To Look It Up In The Dictionary And Find It Yourself And Stop Letting The Internet Do It For You!

How did the Virginia statute for religious freedom influence the U.S. Constitution?

In order to understand this you have to know about the history. Religious groups (Baptist Christians) attempted to amend the Constitution of Virginia changing the words to "Our lord Jesus Christ." The measure was soundly defeated, with only 1 vote for the measure. This sentament was carried over into congressional debates on the constitution and was eventually enacted as part of the 1st amendment; thereby preventing the sponsorship of any one religion over another.

How did Voltaire influence the US Constitution?

His ideas helped in many ways but most importantly his belief in Religious and freedom from government sponsored religion influenced the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. The 1st Amendment (Bill of Rights) protects citizens from having their government dictate religious practices. To paraphrase the 1st Amendment, the government cannot establish a religion and it cannot prevent citizens from establishing a religion. This became known as the "Establishment Clause".

What amendment guarentees religious freedon?

The First Amendment

Where is it stated that Americans have religious freedom?

In the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights, which is part of the US Constitution, it says that Congress shall make no laws prohibiting the practice of religion.

What is the Right guaranteed by the first amendment to the constitution?

In simple terms it was regarding freedom of speech, freedom of the press, religious freedom, freedom of assembly, and right to petition.Hope this helps.

What qualifications are prohibited by the constitution?

Religious Religious

What is the amendment to the US Constitution?

"No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."