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Q: Which action caused many American colonists to support indepence from the british empire?
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What right under the British form of government did colonists cherish above all?

The American colonists wanted to have representation in the British parliament so they would have a voice regarding taxation. This was to the British, a privilege they would not support.

What right under the form of government did colonists cherish above all?

The American colonists wanted to have representation in the British parliament so they would have a voice regarding taxation. This was to the British, a privilege they would not support.

What were the colonists major objections to British policies in the 1760's?

The arguments the American colonists made against British policies of 1763-1776 related to representation. The main argument that rallied support of the colonists was taxation without representation.

Why did blacks choose to support the British over the American colonists during the Revolution?

The United Kingdom promised them freedom from slavery for their military service.

Who did the British go against in the Revolutionary War?

The American Colonists, However, not all of the American Colonists wanted to be free of the British rule. These people were called "Loyalists" because they were still loyal to the King. They were indecisive on whether they wanted to have war or support the King. Also, most of the colonists didn't really want freedom because they were happy with the way they were.

In the American Revolution France gave money and military support to the what?

During the American Revolution, France supplied the new American government with money (gold and French Francs), soldiers, and the French Navy. After the Americans defeated the British at the Battle of Saratoga, the French realized the American colonists could defeat the British regulars, and that helping the Americans would potentially weaken their hated British rivals.

What actions led to many American colonists to support declaring independence from British empire?

Great Britain increased taxes on many items in the colonies.

Why did the British believe the tax and trade laws were fair?

The colonists were British therefore they needed to support the British crown.

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Why did many native American give their support to the British?

They supported the British because they hoped if they defeated the Colonists then it would send them all back to their home land.

What country fought the American colonists?

Britain was the American colonists' primary adversary.

What accounted for part of American colonists' anger towards Britain prior to the American Revolution?

The British had imposed a number of taxes upon the American colonists without allowing them to be represented in British parliament, and therefore having no say in the matter. As Patrick Henry put it, "No taxation without representation!"