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The correct answer is passing of the Lend-Lease Act

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Q: Which action changed the intent of the Neutrality Acts passed by Congress in 1935 1937 and 1939?
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General Intent vs Specific Intent?

General intent does not require an intentional unlawful action but only that a wrongful act was commtitted. Specific intent requires intentional unlawful action

What are the different ways a criminal case can begin?

with an illegal action and intent

Can the constutition be changed?

Yes, the Constitution can be changed by amendment. Amendments are either proposed by Congress and then passed by the legislatures of 3/4s of the states, or they can be proposed and passed by 3/4s of the state legislatures directly. The third way the constitution can be "changed" is through interpretation by the Supreme Court. Some would argue that this does not constitute a change, only an interpretation of original intent, while others would argue that some of the interpretations of the Supreme Court in the past are far removed from the original intent of the framers. I don't think the constitution can be changed, but I'm pretty sure that it can be added on to!!! Yes

How does congress insure that federal agencies follow legislative intent?

Congress ensures federal agencies follow legislative intent through allocating and withdrawing funds which the agencies need to operate. The also have Congressional oversight committees which have investigative authority over the agencies.

How does Congress ensure that federal agencies follow legislative intent?

In order for Congress to make sure agencies are following legislative intent, there are a variety of methods that can be employed. They include oversight committees, hearings, and investigations. They can either take away funding, or allocate additional funding if needed.

What sort of intent is required for moral acts?

This has oft been the subject of debate amongst philosophers whether intent is the essence of a moral action. It appears you have taken the side of those that thing it does, so in that case, the words of Kant might offer some assistance. The intent of an action must be based on a maxim of action. The maxim of action can be a derivative of any of the five categorical imperatives. Most notable and easily accessible are the universalization and intrinsic value principles. The latter states that an action is moral acceptable if everyone could commit it. The former states that an action is moral if it treats people as an ends in themselves, rather than a means.

How did the supreme court apply the intent of the fourteenth amendment after the slaughterhouse cases changed it?

It used the due process clause.

What does The term legal as applied to certifying Office responsibilities means that?

funds are used for intent authorized by Congress

What does positive intent means?

"INTENT - The determination or resolve to do a certain thing, or the state of mind with which something is done." Therefore, some action which is undertaken with POSITIVE INTENT, would mean that the action (whatever form it may have taken) was undertaken with the POSITIVE INTENT that it be carried through to completion. It can have either a go0od meaning or a bad meaning depending on how it is used. If a good and lawful act was carried out and completed successfully then it could be said that the outcome was positive. HOWEVER - if a bank robbery (or any crime) was carried out with the positive intent that it succeed, then the phrase takes on a negative meaning.

What is purposeful intent?

Purposeful intent used by the Model Penal Code, and sometimes interchangeable with willful or intentional intent, is a level of mens rea (Latin for "guilty mind" or "evil doing mind," but also known as criminal intent) which requires that the defendant (the one charged of breaking the crime) specifically meant to break the law and cause the outcome that ensued from their actions."A person acts purposefully (intentionally) if he acts with the intent that his action causes a certain result."

What prevents the federal government from using the supremacy clause to take all powers away from the states?

Congress is only able to take action using the Supremacy Clause if its actions are within an area in which Congress holds authority. If it doesn't have the authority, the Supremacy Clause is invalid. Intent also needs to be established. In other words, the law must have been created for the purpose of superseding the policy of the state.

If work party is fired upon what action should the guardsentry accomplish?

determine size and apparent intent of hostile force