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Q: Which action did the federal government take during the major industrial strikes of the late 19 century?
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During the major industrial strike the late 19th century which action did the Federal Government take?

Military force and court injunctions were used against the workers to help end the strikes

What did the federal government use to try to end the strikes?


If strikes threaten national health or security the Taft-Hartley Act gives the executive branch of the Federal Government the right to break the strikes with what?

80-day court injunctions

Types of strikes according to industrial disputes act?

Strikes are generally of following types:--------- Sit Down Strikes General Strikes Sympathetic Strikes Slow down strikes Gheraon Hunger Strikes

What was George Pullmans key contribution in the 1894 Pullman Strike?

Employers are allowed to seek federal injunctions to break strikes. The federal government ordered strikers back to work.

What role did the federal government play in the railway strikes?

a 10 percent wage cut caused a completely shut down train service in the east.

What federal government agency was created to prevent strikes during World War 2 in order to stop any disruption of wartime production?

Your mom did it

When it came to labor management and strikes.what are two precedents set by Roosevelt and the Federal government?

The government set hard limits against strikes. Workers were hanged for going against employers. The Worker's Benevolent Association, who worked towards better working conditions and hours, was gotten rid of.

Which is true about strikes?

Strikes were often broken by business owners and the government.

What was the purpose of the smith-connally act?

The Act allowed the federal government to seize and operate industries threatened by or under strikes that would interfere with war production,and prohibited unions from making contributions in federal elections

How did Eugene V. Debs's conviction following the Pullman Strike affect the labor movement?

Debs's conviction reinforced federal authority to halt strikes

Who did the government favor in the 19th century labor unions or businesses?

False. Employers exchanged blacklists of union members to prevent them from getting jobs and were employed to crush strikes.