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Q: Which activities protect and conserve our drinking water?
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Why is it important to clean conserve and protect water?

Water is a limited Recource

How can reservoirs help conserve fresh water for drinking at later times?

stop it from going to sea to begome salt water

What can you do to help countries with less water?

Teach them how to compost their humanure; so they can conserve their drinking water and prevent contamination. rain harvesting can be done also.

How do you protect drinking water from pollution?

Constantly test the municipal supply.

Why do have to conserve water?

we have to conserve water to save our planet

How do forest conserve water?

Forest conserve water because it's only circling tru the clouds

Explain why people in southern california need to conserve water?

Southern California does not receive a lot of water. In addition, it does not have a lot of drinkable water. This is why most of the drinking water in SoCal comes from Northern California.

How do you conserve underground-water in summerseason?

we can conserve under ground water in the summer season if we save our water when we have it.

Can anyone conserve water?

Yes, all of us can conserve water. We can make the difference.

What is sentence of conserve?

I was not sleeping, I was just trying to conserve my energy. The water that you conserve today can be consumed tomorrow.

How saving water conserve energy?

they conserve energy because it uses energy to make water flow into your taps.

How can farmers and others industries conserve water?

Farmers and other Industries can conserve water by recycling it to be used again.