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Cell division gradpoint

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Q: Which activity happens during M phase?
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Which activity happens during the ''m' phase?

cell division

What happens during m phase (mitosis) of the cell cycle?

Nuclear division by mitosis or meiosis

What happens to animal cytoplasm in the m-phase?

In the m-phase the cytoplasm is split by a cleavage furrow.

Final preparation for cell division are made during the life cycle subphase called?

G2 because cell division happens during the M phase. the order is G1, S, G2, M phase.

What activity occurs during the M stage of the cell cycle?

Mitosis (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase) occurs during the M phase. This is the part where the chromosomes migrate to either end of the cell and the cell begins to split

During what phase do the chromosomes move to the center of the cell aligned on the spindle apparatus?

This happens during metaphase. I remember this phase because it is the move phaseof mitosis. The m from move matches the m from metaphase.In mitosis, it happens during metaphase.In meiosis, it happens twice and occurs in metaphase 1 and metaphase 2.

What activity happens during the M phase?

cell growth stops & energy is utilized during division of it into two daughter cells.

What phase do centromeres break?

Centromere splitting is something that happens to the Chromosomes during the M Phase (Mitosis) of cell division. During Anaphase (a phase in the M Phase), the centrioles that have sent out spindle fibers and are at opposite poles just tug at the centromere of the Chromosome, causing the centromere to split. Anaphase is basically centromere splitting, where the spindle fibers from the centrioles split the chromosome in half at the centromere.

What happens during the G2 phase?

When DNA replication is completed, the cell enters the G2 phase. G2 phase is usually he shortest of the three phases of interphase. During the G2 phase, many of the organelles and molecules required for cell division are produced. When the events of the G2 phase are completed, the cell is ready to enter the M phase and begin the process of cell division.

In what stage do centrioles replicate?

Centrosomes replicate during the S phase of the CELL CYCLE not mitosis. Mitosis is one stage of the cell cycle. Replication does not happen during mitosis(M phase). It happens during the S phase. In fact, the opposite happens chromosomes are consdensed and packaged in preparation for splitting.

What is the division of cytoplasm during the M phase?

the answer is parts of cells

What is division of the cytoplasm during the m phase called?
