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cuticle coating on leaves and thick epidermal cell walls

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Q: Which adaptation helps to prevent water loss in conifers?
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What adaptations allow conifers to live in dry habitats?

They do not have leaves like decidous trees, therefore they lose less water via surface area.Conifers also have a waxy coating on there needles which helps prevent water loss.

What charactoristic helps conifers survive when the weather is dry?

Because the cuticles, -the waxy like coat that surrounds the needles- prevent much water from leaving through the leaves.

What is a hemlock tree's adaptations?

A hemlock tree's adaptation is:ThickWaxy needles to prevent water from evaporating.Thanks and hope this answer helps you!

What are Neptune's necklace adaptation?

A structural adaptation the neptune's necklace has is their ability to store water in its hollow beads to prevent itself from drying out.

What adaptation does the great white shark have that helps it to survive?

ocean water

What adaptation helps red algae to live in deep water?

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What adaptation helps whales survive in cold water?

A thick layer of blubber

Does blubber help to prevent water loss from the body?

Blubber, or subcutaneous fat, helps prevent heat loss from the body. Keratin in the epidermis helps prevent water loss from the body.

What adaptation helps fish live under water?

They filter air through their gills.

An adaptation that helps a plant retain water in an area with little rainfall?

spines and thorns

Does water make you constipated?

No, it helps to prevent constipation.

How are conifers made?

conifers are made by seeds that are put in soil the they have sun and water and GROW!