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Leaves that hold water

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The absence of sweat glands, and the concentration of urine are physical adaptations made by desert animals.

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Ability to live with little water

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Q: Which adaptation would help a plant live in a desert?
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What adaptations would help a plant live in the desert?

Size reduction.

What structural adaptation would help a plant survive better in a shady environment?

Large leaves.

Why is being venomous an adaptation of many desert animals?

wow It is to help them be protected form preditors in the desert.

Why is there more erosion in a desert with heavy rain?

The desert usually has sparse plant life that would help hold soil in place.

Which of the following is not an adaptation that would help a plant survive in the desert?

d.) Large leaves to absorb the sunlight. a. Long root system b. The ability to store water in the stems c. Little or no leaves d. Large leaves to absorb the sunlight.

Where would waxes be found on a desert plant?

Some desert plants secrete a waxy coating to help slow or prevent water loss.

What is the adaptation for the carpet moss plant in the deciduous forest?

their butts help them walk

What plant adaptation could help a plant absorb the most water in a dry habitat?

Well developed root system

How do coyotes help the desert?

Coyotes help control the populations of small plant-eating animals such as mice, rats, squirrels and rabbits that would, otherwise, rapidly destroy the plant life of a desert. Also, by controlling rodents, they help control many diseases spread by these animals. They are a very beneficial animal.

Which root type is an adaptation to help obtain water after a quick violent rainstorm in the desert?

shallow, fibrous roots

How does the adaptation of a money plant help to get as much sun light as possible?

Jh like cl

The tall sagebrush is a plant that has a deep root system This adaptation would best help the plant survive in a what?

deep root systems are good in areas with a well drained and airated soil. probably a place with rocks or sand for quick drainge mixed with some organic matter to soak up moister and very coarse soil for good air circulation.