

Which alliances won World War 1?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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World War 1 was won by the Allied Powers, also known as the Entente. At the outbreak of war it consisted of France, the UK, and Russia, but by the end of the war Russia had left and Italy and the US, among others, had joined.

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12y ago

"are you kidding me the allies"

This is actually incorrect. The allies, or "Central powers", at the time was Germany and the Ottoman empire. The Triple Entente was America, Britain, and the French- a mapping scheme the opposite that of WWII. So technically, the Allies would have been who you said lost- being Germany and their allies, and the Entente would have won.

However, this is also greatly in dispute seeing as the war ended with a treaty- a stalemate, essentially, with the signing of the armistice. Under virtuality, you could say the Entente won because of their forcing of Germany into the treaty of Versailles, but under technicality it was a tie.

UNLIKE WWII, in which the western forces- the "Allies" during the second war- clearly won, what with Russia invading and obliterating Berlin, Hitler killing himself out of fear of the Russians, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki being bombed. (RIP those who passed, most of them did not support Hirohito's rule.)

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